Welcome to the 3rd Enfield Company

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We provide a weekly programme of activities for boys aged 5 to 18 years in the Enfield Chase area, including the opportunity to get creative, be active, have adventures, learn new skills and make a difference to others

Check out what we’ve been up to recently . . .

If you like what you see on our socials, why not nominate us for a BB Social Media Award? πŸ† Nominations are open now and close on 18th May 2025! Find out more and submit nominations via the BB website or search "Boys' Brigade Social Media Awards"! #BoysBrigade #LifeToTheFull #SocialMediaAwards #REPOST @theboysbrigade_ukroi - We’re excited to announce that our Social Media Awards are back for 2025! πŸ† There are lots of great examples out there of groups across the country sharing the BB story, and these awards aim to celebrate and say thank you for the work that is going on πŸ‘ We're looking for nominations across four categories - Best Use of Social Media, Best Use of Video Content, Best Use of Photography and Best New Account - so if you know a BB group that would be a worthy winner then we want to hear from you! Nominations are now open and will close on 18th May. Find out more about the awards and submit your nominations on our website - search "Boys' Brigade Social Media Awards" or hit the link in our bio! #BoysBrigade #LifeToTheFull #FaithInYoungPeople #LearnGrowDiscover #SocialMedia #SocialMediaAwards
Yesterday our Company & Seniors lads took on our 2025 MasterChef Challenge! πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ After planning their dishes and sourcing ingredients over the last week, they had 45 minutes to prepare either a main course or dessert, trying to impress our judges and score points for skill of making the dish, presentation, taste, completing on time and clearing up after themselves! There was a very good standard from everyone, with a wide range of dishes produced that made for a tough decision for the judges πŸ˜† Next Monday we'll announce the winners of 'Best Main Course' and 'Best Dessert' for this year, but for now scroll through to see the lads preparing and presenting their dishes - which one is your favourite? πŸ€” #BoysBrigade #BBAdventure #LifeToTheFull #MasterChef
We didn't get many photos but yesterday our younger boys spent some time thinking about emotions and feelings, exploring the different things we might feel from being happy 😊 or excited πŸ˜† to sad πŸ˜” or angry 😠 and how we might handle what we experience πŸ‘ There was also of course some time for games! ⚽️ #BoysBrigade #BBAdventure #LifeToTheFull
We didn't get many photos but last Monday our Company & Seniors lads did some preparation for our annual MasterChef Challenge πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ this coming Monday, thought about the role of 'peace making' in our lives with some activities themed around Matthew 5:9 ("Blessed are the peacemakers...") ✝️ and of course played some games! ⚽️ #BoysBrigade #BBAdventure #LifeToTheFull
On Monday our younger boys got into some Race Car 🏎 themed activities ahead of the start of the new F1 season including learning a bit about the rules of racing, playing themed games and decorating some edible chocolate race cars! #BoysBrigade #BBAdventure #LifeToTheFull
Today our Anchors had a great time at the Superhero Fun Day πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ which was run by @boysbrigadeinlondon πŸ™Œ They took on a range of Superhero themed activities including Training Academy, Craft Workshop, Balloon Modelling Workshop as well as a devotional time! 😁 #BoysBrigade #BBAdventure #LifeToTheFull
Yesterday all of our age groups had a slightly early celebration of Shrove Tuesday with pancakes πŸ₯ž spending time thinking about Lent and its significance in the lead up to Easter ✝️ as well as games! ⚽️ #BoysBrigade #BBAdventure #LifeToTheFull #ShroveTuesday
Yesterday our older lads took on a 'Lights, No Camera, Action' challenge, trying to identify clips from well known films... but with only the audio πŸ“½πŸ€” Well done to Ryan & Nathan who managed to correctly identify the most! πŸ‘ There was also the opportunity to play some games including dodgeball and four corner football! ⚽️ #BoysBrigade #BBAdventure #LifeToTheFull
Yesterday our younger members continued with the space theme from a few weeks ago by making 'A Box Full of Stars' 🌠 to help them learn a bit about some of the constellations that we can see in the night sky! 🌟 There was also time to play some games including dodgeball and hockey πŸ’ #BoysBrigade #BBAdventure #LifeToTheFull
Our Company & Seniors Weekend Away at Frith Grange Campsite has now come to a close - a huge thank you to all at Enfield Battalion who organised a fantastic event for us all! πŸ™Œ #BoysBrigade #BBAdventure #LifeToTheFull
This morning on the Enfield Battalion Company & Seniors Weekend Away we took a trip to Topgolf Watford - well done Tyla who was the highest scorer in our mini 3rd Enfield contest! ⛳️ #BoysBrigade #BBAdventure #LifeToTheFull
We completed our Saturday at the Enfield Battalion Company & Seniors Weekend Away with some free time, a quiz, devotions and a bit of time around the campfire including hot chocolate and marshmallow toasting! #BoysBrigade #BBAdventure #LifeToTheFull