Cecil Brett Shield

Cecil Brett was born in 1894. He was born in Enfield and, although he moved away in later life, he never lost his love of Enfield and all his association with it, particularly the 3rd Enfield. He was in the Company in the first decade of the 20th century, a time when the 3rd Enfield was one of the most famous Companies in the Brigade under Captain T R Plowman. The Company were London District Drill champions, winning the Meares Colours in 1905, the very first Daily Telegraph Shield in 1906 and again in 1907 (in front of General Baden-Powell). Cecil Brett took part in all three of these events.

Cecil enlisted in the Royal Fusiliers before the outbreak of the Great War, and saw war service in France and Belgium. Cecil spent his final years with his wife Florence in Wareham, where he was an honorary member of the 1st Wareham. He died on 12th January 1982, one month short of his 88th birthday. In his memory a shield was presented to the Company by Mrs Barbara Charles, his daughter, in the centenary year of The Boys’ Brigade. It is presented to the boy who, in the opinion of the leaders, has done the most for the Church during that session.

1983 – Pte A Griggs
1984 – Sgt M Stogden
1985 – Cpl M Pollard
1986 – Pte S Bachelor
1987 – Pte K Williams / L/Cpl D Williams
1989 – S Bachelor
1990 – M Stamford
1991 – M Stamford
1992 – D Layzell
1993 – Pte A Bullock
1997 – L/Cpl A Bullock
1998 – Pte J Howard
2003 – Not awarded
2004 – Cpl M Harnett
2005 – Sgt T Killey
2006 – Sgt T Killey
2007 – Pte L Halls
2008 – Not awarded
2009 – L/Cpl C Collins-O’Connor
2010 – L/Cpl C Collins-O’Connor
2011 – Pte J Tulley
2012 – Pte J Tulley
2013 – Not awarded
2014 – Not awarded
2015 – Not awarded
2016 – Pte I Acquaye
2017 – Cpl I Acquaye
2018 – Sgt I Acquaye
2019 – Pte F George

Years with a blank space next to them are currently unknown – get in touch if you can help fill the gaps!