Elsie Hart Centenary Cup

The Elsie Hart Centenary Cup is a former trophy in the Company which was rediscovered in 2010, at which time the leaders decided to present it under new criteria.

Elsie Hart was a long-time member of Christ Church URC and was always a great supporter of both the Church and the Company. Throughout the session members of the Company and Seniors age groups compete in a points competition, where they can earn points for attendance, wearing the correct uniform as required, behaviour, taking part in challenges and competitions on Monday evenings, as well as anything else the leaders deem worthy. The boy with the highest number of points at the time of the Awards Evening that session receives the trophy.

Between 2010 and 2018 the trophy was open to all age groups and was based solely on an attendance competition.

2010 – J Lissner
2011 – J Tulley
2012 – F George
2013 – F George
2014 – F George
2015 – F George
2016 – I Acquaye
2017 – I Acquaye
2018 – F George
2019 – F George / I Acquaye
2020 – I Acquaye
2021 – J Purnell
2022 – J Purnell
2023 – S Morgan Jones
2024 – T Omer