King’s Badge

The King’s Badge was introduced in 1913 by permission of King George V, with the first ever King’s Badge being presented in March 1914. In 1953 the name was changed to the Queen’s Badge on the accession of Queen Elizabeth II.

From September 2024 the award will once again become known as the King’s Badge, following the accession of King Charles III.

The King’s Badge is the highest award in The Boys’ Brigade. Currently it can be gained by young people of 16 years of age and over. It involves providing voluntary service both within and outside the BB/Church, taking part in skills-based training, developing interests, completing a ‘Faith Journey’ element as well as other aspects.

Since the inception of the King’s/Queen’s Badge, 23 members of the 3rd Enfield have gained the award.

Note that this list may not be 100% complete as it is compiled using records we have at present. Where years are missing next to names they are currently unknown.

King’s Badge

Fredrick Charles Slatford
Ernest Charles Wick
1921 – Albert Sidney Wick
1923 – James Edward Frank Greenland Page
1925 – Alfred Henry George Flack
Ernest Leonard Hammett
1928 – George Frank Greenland Page
Harry Lloyd
1931 – Arthur T Greenland Page
1938 – Ronald Purssell
1939 – John Dye
1940 – Maurice Connolly
1940 – Donald Collins
1940 – William Nathan Hutchings
1947 – Peter Dennison
1948 – Ian Dixon

Queen’s Badge

1982 – Stephen Hussey
1982 – Andrew Mason
1985 – Stuart Dicker
2006 – Tom Boorman
2023 – Josef McDonald
2023 – Stephen Bowden
2024 – Michael Bowden