Summer Programme

On Monday evenings throughout June and July members of all of our age groups took part in our Summer Programme, where we took the opportunity to get out and about away from the hall a bit more.

On our first evening back from half term on Monday 3rd June we headed to Chase Green for some outdoor games.

On Monday 10th June all of our age groups took a trip to Jungle Falls Adventure Golf for an evening on the 18-hole course. Well done to our best scorers – Ellis (Anchors), Joseph (Juniors) and Yianni (Company/Seniors)!

The following week we enjoyed games evenings in the hall, with different activities for each age group including Xbox, table tennis, pool, soft archery, Lego, giant games, table games and more!

On Monday 24th June we took a trip to Hollywood Bowl Finchley for a fun evening on the lanes. Well done to our top scorers – Lorenzo (Anchors), Nathan (Juniors) and Tyla (Company/Seniors)!

An evening of uncertain weather on Monday 1st July meant the Anchors & Juniors enjoyed an evening in the hall with some of our favourite games including football, dodgeball, bucketball and more. The weather had improved sufficiently for the Company & Seniors lads to get out to Chase Green, having a go at games including tag rugby and football.

On Monday 8th July we took a trip to Tudor Park in Barnet for an evening of footgolf, which takes place on a golf course-style area and scored in the same way, but is played by kicking a football into the various holes. Well done to our best scorers – Tristan (Anchors), Adam (Juniors) and Tyla (Company/Seniors)!

Our final evening of term, Monday 15th July, saw our end of term BBQ take place. More bad weather meant we had to hold it in the hall instead of being able to use the garden, but it was great to bring together boys in all age groups, their families and some of our Church family. As part of the evening we were also able to celebrate Michael, one of our wonderful Seniors, who recently turned 18 and will soon be joining our team of leaders!

We are now taking a short pause in activities before we head off to Jersey on our Summer Camp at the end of August. Our Monday activities will then resume for the new session on Monday 9th September.