Awards Evening

On Monday 20th May we held our Awards Evening, recognising the achievements of our boys over the last 12 months. The event saw us present around 125 badges, certificates and trophies to boys in all of our age groups in recognition of all they have done.

It was fantastic to welcome Rev Ruth Dewis to her first Awards Evening with us, having taken on the role of Company Chaplain a few months ago, as well as lots of parents/carers, siblings and other family members, and friends from Christ Church.

During the evening we presented Jack Petchey Achievement Awards to Joseph K and Yianni, both of whom have been dedicated members of the 3rd Enfield for a number of years.

The Discovery Award is the Major Award of the Company age group, and we were delighted to be able to present seven of these – to Austin, Joseph K, Max, Nathan, Stavros, Tyla and Yianni. Each of them will shortly become Seniors, and we hope they will make their next step which is working towards the President’s Badge.

We are extremely proud to have been able to present the Queen’s Badge to Michael. This is the highest award in The Boys’ Brigade, and Michael is only the 23rd young man in the 3rd Enfield to have achieved this honour. He has been a valued member of the group for over a decade, has worked hard to get to this stage of his BB journey and is immensely deserving of the award. Well done Michael!

Well done to all of the boys and congratulations to the winners of our trophies and special awards:

Best Anchor: Jack
Best Junior: Lillyan
RL Plowman Trophy: Tyla
TR Plowman Trophy: Michael
George Page Sports Cup: Joseph K
Frank Head Trophy: Austin
Chris Bullock Memorial Trophy: Michael
Elsie Hart Centenary Cup: Tyla

Jack Petchey Achievement Awards: Joseph K & Yianni
Queen’s Badge (highest award in The Boys’ Brigade): Michael

Find out more about our trophies here.